Smooth Sailing in Cheviot Hills

Smooth Sailing in Cheviot Hills

  • Coley Laffoon
  • 03/3/22
Happy Outcome Alert!! Lifelong friends reached out to see if there was some way, somehow to find a buyer for their stunning Cheviot Hills home with no open houses, no sign in the yard, no public facing marketing whatsoever YET STILL get a great price AND allow them to remain in place until mid-June. No problem guys, we'll have @aureliadamore do the pics and make use of Compass Private Exclusive to market to an internal network. 
Long story short: we had three showings, received two offers and accepted one that includes the much-desired long leaseback. Now our friends and clients can be stress-free cash buyers in their new city. The Laffoon Group is rolling into Spring with all flags flying. Let us show you what we can do for you. 
Smooth Sailing in Cheviot Hills
Smooth Sailing in Cheviot Hills
Smooth Sailing in Cheviot Hills

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